Thursday, December 11, 2008

Snow in Clear Lake!

We actually had about 2 1/2 inches of snow in our area last night. We had fun playing in the snow and being thankful that we live in Texas where this occurrence is so rare that it's fun.

Storyville in the Snow

Dawn Treader in the Snow

Kat and Rene Staying Warm!

Our Little Frosty

Palm Trees with Snow!
Don't knock the weather; nine-tenths of the people couldn't start a conversation if it didn't change once in a while. ~Kin Hubbard

1 comment:

Capt. & First Mate said...

Hi guys, first congrads to Troy on the test results dude... Kayla is growing so fast....and Deana, GREAT pictures. Snow everywhere !!!! Miss you guys. Have a Great Christmas and New Years. Robert and Carolyn