Dr. Jac (oncologist) came in shortly after Dr. Ramchandani. Dr Jac says that Troy's bloodwork came back slightly anemic, but he is not concerned about it at this time. He just want to "keep an eye on it". He was also pleased with Troy's progress.
We are still waiting for the pathology reports on the lymph nodes that were removed during surgery and we are a little anxious about that. Hopefully we will get them back today or tomorrow.
Troy will have the procedure done on his vocal chord tomorrow. We have just been informed that he will probably be on total voice rest for 24-48 hours. This should be interesting! I guess he better get his writing hand warmed up because I don't think we can learn enough sign language before tomorrow!
Also, we think the chest tube will be removed tomorrow. That will be major progress as it is a rather large tube that goes straight into his side and is draining some yucky fluids out of him. Shortly after that the epidural will be removed. We are not looking forward to that because Troy can push this nifty little button every 15 minutes and get pain medication directly through the epidural. We are worried that his pain will increase when they remove the epidural, of course the staff are really dedicated to controlling his pain so I am sure that they have a plan in mind. The plus side of losing the epidural is that he will also lose the foley (catheter). He is definitely looking forward to losing that one!
Just take a look at his IV pole! They finally consolidated everythink onto one pole. Other than this pole with two plugs in the wall and four different tubes connected to Troy in one way or another, he is also connected to the foley and the chest tube. It's just amazing to me.
We felt really good after our visit with Dr. Ramchandani. He has done an excellent job and we were glad to hear him say that he is pleased with Troy's progress. Even though he is in pain and it's difficult to move because of the pain, the tubes and wires and apparatuses that are attached to him and the coughing spells, he is doing so well. We are hearing good things about his prognosis and that is such a relief.
I just want to say that the hospital and staff here at Methodist have done a wonderful job. This is truly a top notch organization. One of Troy's nurses told me that The Methodist Hospital ranks #9 in the Fortune 100 best companies to work for in the nation. This is definitely reflected in the care and service that we have received on each stay that Troy has had. This is his 4th hospital stay at Methodist.
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. Jeremiah 29:11-12 NLT
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