As soon as I arrived home Friday night I noticed that our air conditioner return (where the water that cools the a/c runs out of the boat) was dripping out at half it's normal rate. Usually that means we need to clean the filter, so Troy got busy with that right away. He soon noticed that there was no water running into the filter. We messed with it for quite a while and finally Troy got a wire coat hanger and pushed it into the hose. We soon discovered that we had sucked a small fish (about 3-4 inches) into the intake. Needless to say he wasn't feeling to good when we pulled him out. Kind of reminded me of Nemo - bet he wished he would have never touched the butt!!!!!

Later that evening Troy got to break out his guitar and play. Some of our new friends in the marina are getting a band together and they set up to practice and everyone gathered around and had a wonderful evening listening to the music. They were great and they even let Troy play and sing. His voice is really coming back - not 100% yet, but enough that he can sing a few songs. It really felt good to hear him singing and playing guitar and enjoying himself. Everyone had so much fun that we are trying to make it a weekly event! The picture is kinda dark but I wanted to post it anyway.
And the night shall be filled with music,And the cares that infest the dayShall fold their tents like the ArabsAnd as silently steal away.~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, The Day Is Done
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